Christians and Social Justice

Here’s the problem concerning the true Christian’s desire (and obligation) to “stand for justice” in society. 

The world’s “Justice Warriors” follow (and even create) cultural narratives, defining what is “just” or “unjust,” for the rest of us to bow down to. 

However, cultural narratives are seldom, if ever, in line with truth and reality. 

Weak-minded, spiritually immature leaders in the Christian community will often join a “Justice Warrior” parade and drive other Christians there using guilt tactics, e.g., “If you are not FOR this cause, and/or if you don’t join the parade for THIS cause, you are not a real Christian.”  

Those who created the false narrative are thrilled, but the Holy Spirit is grieved. 

Inevitably, when weak-minded (and spineless), spiritually immature leaders in the Christian community join the latest cultural cry for “justice,” they divide the body of Christ, cause confusion, and further grieve the Holy Spirit. 

We should be ever-so-careful not to allow cultural trends to train us after their maligned view of what is truth and reality, and also not to allow Christian leaders to pressure us into getting on the latest bandwagon. 

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