Bullet Points for Christians in Defense and Support of America and President Donald J. Trump

Many are throwing around the label “Christian nationalism” as if it is a derogatory term worthy of condemnation. This term implies something that is not true, and it is a direct attack on Christianity in America. 

Even major sects within Christianity in America have bought into the lie that it is somehow evil for a Christian to pursue an America that is home to Christian ideals.  

The accusation that we are insisting on forcing America into becoming Christian is far from the truth, and they know it.  

True Christians know full well that we cannot force anyone to live the Christian life, and we should never try to. We are often imposed upon by others, but we do not impose ourselves on anyone. 

We simply want the American Christian heritage, along with America’s Constitution, to stand. 

In addition, millions of Americans (many of whom are in one Christian camp or another) falsely accuse and condemn anyone who defends and supports President Trump, magnifying his shortcomings while disregarding his outstanding accomplishments for all Americans.  

This bullet point article is written in avid and unequivocal defense and support of both American ideals and President Trump. Hundreds of points could be made for each one, but here are a few that speak directly to the debate at hand. 

 First, Why Pro-America and American Ideals? 

  1. It is abundantly clear that God’s own hand was directly involved in the birth of America. 
  2. America’s founding documents were, without question, divinely inspired for the benefit of all (though not perfect in every respect since there cannot possibly be a perfect earthly government).  
  3. America is abundantly blessed with natural resources to keep us strong and to bless others with our overflow.  
  4. America’s Christian heritage was made for a people with Christian ideals, such as life and liberty for all, individual responsibility, and rewards for achievement.  
  5. America’s Christian heritage has encouraged love and generosity to all people everywhere for generations.  
  6. For more than a century, countless American volunteer organizations have amassed armies of sincere, self-giving Americans, along with multiplied billions of American dollars, to help millions of people in distress on foreign soil.  
  7. American churches and other Christian organizations have trained and commissioned literally hundreds of thousands of Christian missionaries around the world to freely share the love of God through simple saving faith in Jesus Christ. 
  8. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have volunteered to join our armed forces in defense of our homeland and that of our allies. More than 600,000 Americans have lost their lives while doing so.  
  9. God is still at work inside America for our own good and through America for the benefit of others in the world. 


  • We do not defend or support the many covert operations, past or present, carried out by many of America’s politicians and other elitists for their own selfish interests.  
  • We do not necessarily defend or support all foreign wars past, present, or future, and certainly not the underbelly of America’s corrupt industrial military complex. We are, however, thankful for a strong military, without which we would not have the liberty to have this dialog.  
  • We do not believe that Americans are innately superior to any other people on earth, but we realize instead that America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights, together with America’s Christian heritage, have allowed Americans to achieve and flourish in ways that other people could not do under their various forms of governance. For this reason, billions of people around the world would love to live in America.  

 Second, Why Pro-President Donald J. Trump? 

  1. The most evil, immoral, godless people in America mortally hate President Donald J. Trump. That’s the first reason Christians should seriously consider supporting him, reading beyond the headlines of the mainstream media that loathes him and embraces the policies of those who have given themselves over to a reprobate mind. 
  2. President Donald J. Trump is, without question, the only person standing between Constitutional Americans and the radical, militant army of the Socialist/Communist Democrat Party. 
  3. President Trump will clearly receive the nomination of the Republican Party for the 2024 election. That’s been clear all along. 
  4. If we had not had President Trump for the four years between two liberal democrats, America and American ideals would already be gone. Let us not forget the “cancel culture” the democrats created and imposed on those of us who love America and American ideals. We would not even be allowed to have this open forum if President Trump had not served one term already, slowing down their takeover. There should be absolutely no doubt in any rational mind that God raised up Donald Trump for that season. 
  5. Again, to anyone who thinks rationally, without personal prejudice against him, there is no doubt that God Himself has stood in defense of President Trump through what have otherwise been insurmountable odds by anyone’s estimation. 
  6. President Trump has already proven his core beliefs about America, our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and our traditional American ideals. He has championed all to the fullest degree possible. Any and every accusation that he has operated, or that he would operate, outside the Constitution is completely unfounded. 
  7. President Trump supports a strong military for the right reasons, but he does not support our sordid industrial military complex and its constant appetite for foreign wars. He has proved to be one of only a few presidents in modern history to shut down temptations to enter into war, whether threatened by tyrants abroad or pressured by elitists at home.  
  8. President Trump has done more to promote and defend Christian liberties in America and around the world than any other president, period. He has also defended the right for any religion to exist in America as long as that religion does not align itself against America’s Constitution, Bill of Rights, Judicial System, American ideals, etc. 
  9. President Trump has done more to stop the murdering of children in their mother’s womb at home and abroad than any other president in America’s history. Period. 
  10. President Trump operated within his authority to permit legal immigration as it was historically done, and at the same time he fulfilled his sworn duty to defend our borders against illegal immigration. Among the several consequential benefits were fewer illegal drugs and fewer drug addictions and drug-related deaths in America. 
  11. President Trump did more to benefit minorities, particularly inner-city blacks,  black universities, and other institutions, than any other president since Abraham Lincoln, period.  
  12. President Trump was responsible for the passage of The First Step Act, greatly improving criminal justice system outcomes and reducing incarcerations in federal prisons while introducing legitimate measures for public safety.  
  13. President Trump removed tens of thousands of unreasonable and unnecessary regulations that restricted American businesses, while protecting the environment and business employees.  
  14. The US economy grew and expanded at record levels, and incomes rose across the board for all working Americans. 
  15. President Trump passed the largest tax cut in US history, lifting tax burdens off all Americans regardless of income. 
  16. President Trump officially recognized Jerusalem as the capital city of Israel and relocated America’s embassy there – something other presidents claimed to favor but never did. 
  17. Check out all President Trump’s many first-term accomplishments by category here.  


  • We do not endorse President Trump’s moral failures past, present, or future. We do, however, recognize our own failures and extend the same forgiveness to him that we would to ourselves. 
  • We do not necessarily endorse all his business ventures, or his braggadocios character. We realize, however, that his wealth and success, and even his ostentatious personality, are keys to his dealing with the overwhelmingly corrupt and overtly arrogant elitists who run America from their ivory towers in Washington, D.C.  
  • We do not think of him as America’s pastor or prophet of righteousness. We look to him for solid Constitutional American governance above all, from one who is American at heart, fiercely protecting our American heritage. That he does very well. 
  • We do not necessarily endorse all the people that President Trump endorses, nor all the lifestyles and all personal habits.  
  • We do not necessarily endorse all of President Trumps responses to the constant barrage of attacks he has endured; but we give him allowance, since no other president has ever had to deal with the vitriol, shear hatred, lies, treasonous undermining personnel, or completely unfounded and constant attacks, etc., from within our own government, mainstream media, and virtually every sector of society. 
  • We do not fault President Trump with the COVID vaccine fiasco, as he assumed that the so-called experts in the field of science and medicine were telling him the truth. He absolutely slowed the spread of COVID in America from the beginning, against much criticism, and his casual suggestions for the potential use of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin against COVID, for which he was sorely ridiculed and almost crucified, proved to be exactly correct. 
  • We do not see President Trump (as an individual) as our “Savior”; but we clearly see that he is the one endorsed by the vast majority of American voters for leading the charge in restoring what is so quickly eroding in America. 
  • We do not necessarily endorse the entire platform of the Republican Party, but we recognize that the general grassroots tenets of the Republican Party platform are much more aligned with America’s Constitution and traditional American values than any other party, certainly. We also recognize that the Democrat Party platform and performance is diametrically opposed to our Constitution, civil liberties, traditional American ideals, and our Christian heritage. 

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